“I am delighted to have this opportunity to put myself forward for election as part of a team of candidates for the Island as a whole. It is widely recognised that public bodies (like the Isle of Wight Council) need to increase their number of younger and female members, and I hope that – by seeking election – I can help encourage more young women to consider standing for public office.
“Following my nomination, it is clear that there are a number of issues in Parkhurst & Hunnyhill that would benefit from having a local councillor who is working as an influential part of the majority group at County Hall.
“I look forward to getting out and about in Parkhurst & Hunnyhill and meeting more voters, at a distance, between now and polling day. If elected, my role will be to represent residents of all ages who live in the ward, and I also hope to be a voice for younger people from across the Island who may currently feel under-represented.”