Name: Cameron Palin
Party: Green
This election brings the prospect of real, meaningful change. For too long Islanders have been let down by our current MP and his predecessors! It is time for a fresh start, Islanders deserve an MP who will stand up for them and deliver on the issues they care about.
I was born and raised here on the Island, and I am proud of our local communities, local businesses and countryside. I am an experienced local Councillor and Deputy Mayor of a large town and I am ready to hit the ground running in Westminster!
Having a Green MP for Isle of Wight West would not only be historic but truly powerful! The Island has always does politics differently, so it’s time to show both Labour and the Conservatives that Islanders want change. It is clear that after the election we will have a Labour Government, it has never been more important to have Green MPs in Westminster to hold the next Labour Government to account.
By electing me as your MP I would tackle the key issues that affect us all, like the appalling ferry services, NHS waiting lists, underfunding of local councils, SEND crisis and lack of affordable housing.