Conservative’s Bob Seely was elected as the Isle of Wight’s Member of Parliament.
Bob gained a total of 38,190 votes, a rise from the 28,591 votes that Andrew Turner acquired in the 2015 General Election. The turnout was 67.38% – 74,576 votes.
The Conservative’s landslide victory marks the highest votes gained by a Conservative candidate on the Isle of Wight since 1987 when Barry Field received 40,175 votes.
Labour’s Julian Critchley took second place with 17,121 votes, beating The Green Party’s Vix Lowthion who received 12,915 votes – an increase from the 9,404 votes she received in 2015.
The Liberal Democrats suffered a massive blow in 2015 going from 22,283 votes in 2010 to just 5,235. This year’s candidate, Nick Belfitt, couldn’t increase that vote and received just 2,740 votes.
Independent candidate Julie Jones-Evans, who received 1,592 votes, lost her deposit of £500 as she did not secure 5% of the votes. The same can be said of Daryll Pitcher of the UK Independence Party (UKIP) who received 1,921 votes – a stark contrast to the 14,888 votes that Iain McKie received in the last General Election.
The number of ballot papers rejected (95) was as follows:
Want of an official mark – 5
Voting for more Candidates than voter was entitled to – 26
Writing or mark by which voter could be identified – 6
Being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty – 58